Hansen P. Cummins, LEP is a Senior Geologist and President for Cummins Envirotech, Inc. Mr. Cummins' responsibilities include supervision and training of personnel; report and proposal writing; project scheduling, budgeting and cost analysis, and interaction with regulatory agencies, clients, contractors, and the public. Mr. Cummins oversees all soil and groundwater remediation activities, hydrogeological assessments and geotechnical surveys performed at Cummins Envirotech, Inc. to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
Skilled as an effective communicator, Mr. Cummins brings an understanding of state and federal environmental regulations and preferred problem-solving approaches. Remediation approaches implemented by Mr. Cummins include: soil removals, air/gas sparging networks, groundwater treatment systems, bioremediation procedures, insitu chemical oxidation (ISCO) and soil vapor extraction/dual phase extraction systems. He continues to monitor state-of-the-art remedial technologies as they evolve within the environmental community.
In the 30 years he has been in the environmental field, Mr. Cummins has managed a wide range of projects involving management of commercial UST Systems, supervision of commercial UST replacement, implementation of dewatering & treatment systems, subsurface contamination assessment, hydrocarbon recovery, water treatment system design and installation, and aquifer restoration. His experience includes the supervision of drilling and monitoring well installation, aquifer monitoring and contaminant transport modeling, hydrogeological assessments, compilation and interpretation of all geological data, and the design and implementation of innovative, customized remedial systems which often include multiple technologies working symbiotically to expedite site clean-up and closure.
Mr. Cummins has extensive knowledge of several geotechnical techniques including Standard Penetration Tests, ASTM 1586 and Shelby Tube sampling; has supervised conducting of rock cores for structural engineering design of underground and above ground structures; has supervised installation of structural caissons and sheet piling; is familiar with interpreting Electro-Magnetic Surveys, Ground Penetrating Radar and subsurface conductance surveys for the location of USTs, lagoons and subsurface burial sites. Mr. Cummins was also involved in the set-up and break-down of seismic wave collection devices used in oil exploration.
Mr. Cummins guides the development of new standard operating procedures and upgrades to existing programs as technologies and regulatory requirements evolve. He maintains company-wide quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) measures on geoscience services. This is done in part through his staff in conducting project design and reports, and technical review on all documents submitted to the company's clients. In directing the company's active site audit system and technical projects tracking system, he ensures QA/QC standards for project management, field sampling, and remediation system operations.
Prior to joining Cummins Envirotech, Inc., Mr. Cummins managed the development of soil and groundwater remediation systems for Environmental Concepts, Inc. in Connecticut. He gained much of his business and technical experience in the environmental field while employed as a Geologist/Project Manager at TES Corporation, Wehran Engineering Corporation, and Groundwater Technology, Inc. performing turn-key assessment/remediation services for multiple service station UST replacement programs for Shell, Mobil, Amoco, Getty, BP and Sunoco.
Mr. Cummins holds a Bachelors of Science in Geology from the University of Vermont. He has completed the OSHA 40-Hour Training Course for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. Mr. Cummins also holds the 8-Hour Site Supervisory Training Certification, and has been a State of Connecticut Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP) since 1999. Mr. Cummins holds Certified Well Driller Licenses in New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.